
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos Litigation A gloomy shadow is cast over economy in the form of Asbestos Litigation causing bankruptcies, lost jobs, pensions, health care etc.The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) has worked towards inaction of the alternative no-fault plan in the 109th Congress to be backed up by a defendant company and insurer-funded trust fund.The Chairmen Specter reached an agreement with Sen.Patric Leahy, the Judiciary Committee抯 Ranking Minority Member.On May 26th, the Committee voted 13-5 and so the Asbestos Litigation was favorably reported as the 揊airness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act?(揊AIR Act?.Yet, it seems that several issues have to be resolved first before the Asbestos Litigation FAIR Act will make its way to the Senate.Support for the Asbestos Litigation bill is still very much fragile.Any attempt to reinforce the circle of supporters may cause serious damage and snatch away what the FAIR Act now enjoys.Sixty votes are needed to repress the opposition and bring the Fair Act to a vote on a final passage.The opposition embraces a substantial sector of the business community, including insurance industry, the trial bar and the bulk of organized labor.Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader has declared that Asbestos Litigation FAIR Act is the primary issue to be considered on the 109th Congress?second session.The National Assembly for Wales (NAW) will keep on cooperating with legislators and stakeholders to reach an agreement on a bill around which a consensus of support can be formed.Asbestos Litigation will not be handled by the House of Representatives until the Senate completes is work on it.

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